Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Deconstructng Self-Understanding the folk-The Awakening

Pat Bc

This is a profound look at the self and belief system based on social construction of race and the racist effects which political ideology and the media use to shape us.   I never really thought about the negative sexual construction of blacks through music or poetry.   Mullen’s (The Man Who Adores the Negro) use of Critical Race Theory causes me to revaluate the relationship of literature, music, and policy toward my self-construction.  It helps me understand   the effect of oppression placed on Latinos/as, Indigenous, Asians, and Blacks/African-Americans and the importance of deconstructing myths.  Delgado and Stefanic (Critical Race Theory:  An Introduction, 2001) is introducing me to “color blindness” and “liberal neutrality” utilized to validate racial attitudes toward race and racism by maintaining a sense of false consciousness through political conditioning.    Deconstruction must first begin with self then we can understand the folk.  Yes, I must admit folklore and CRT this semester is life-changing!

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