Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Kumbwhat? Adrian Mendoza

Whenever I heard the word Kumbaya the first thought that crossed into my mind was camping. To be more specific, a group of children at a campfire with a man near the center with a guitar. The world itself would conjure images of the African content in my mind. Again the same style people gathered around a campfire singing but in the a different continent. In recent years, the song has come underfire for the fact that it has been dubbed a child's song. Stephen Winick's article explored the origin and importance of the song which can also be titled as "come by here". Furthermore, the idea that it originated in Africa was debunked. Instead the song traveled to the African continent and was reinvented. In the end, Kumbaya or come by here should not detract from the purpose of the song which is to bring people together.

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